Bespoke Journey

From Vision to Vitality - Elevate your Business

Unimagined Succes   

Whether you need to define a new vision or want to innovate your business model. Whether you need to solve a long lasting culture enigma or need to solve a concrete business problem. Issues like how to get our ROI up, how to retain talent or increase the wellbeing of employees. 

In this bespoke journey I take you on a mission into the unknown. It is on the path of not knowing when answers will arrive. You can buy knowledge. You cannot buy the wisdom inside you. It originates from all the factors that make you who you are. Your upbringing, consious/unconsious patterns, the culture you lived in, your family and organisation system that you are part of and so on. We tap into the wisdom inside you to find new ways of doing and being, you could not imagine before. 

Integrative Intelligence

In our approach we focus on connecting with integrative intelligence. There are four different levels of intelligence we define. 

Type 1 and 2 are analytical and very common. To access level 3 we need to use more than just our brains. We need to use our entire body and be able to connect with ourselves. Level 4 is a spirtual consiousness. In our journeys we use techniques and tools to access all 4 types of intelligence.

Vision Journey

Culture & Leadership Journey

Innovation Journey

Problem Solving Journey

How I work

In all journeys we start with a minimum of five sessions customised to the topic and situation. In the first session we focus on the right questions we need anwsered through the use of socratic questioning, Zen Koans and the slow question method. The next session we focus on the factual knowledge already available to us and use creative ways to derive input from it. For the third session we use external data, market trends and insights to build on the knowledge from session 2. In the third and forth session we use techniques, like constellations, meditations, visualisations, breath and bodywork, to acces all the knowledge and intelligence that resides within us.


Depending on topic and expertise area I work with a big network of talented entrepreneurs, data scientists, change managers, spirtual teachers and system constellation facilitaors. 

Click on this link and send me a DM if you would like to start connecting
